Monday, July 24, 2006

Liposuction For Your Chin Area

Facelifts are often viewed as the only method for redefining the face. Liposuction, however, offers an alternative that more and more people are pursuing.

Liposuction For Your Chin Area

In today's society, there is no such thing as aging gracefully. From Hollywood stars to soccer moms in minivans, everyone wants to look and feel younger than their age. For some people, using a new brand of makeup or a new haircut is enough to make you feel young again. For others, the only alternative is plastic surgery. We have all heard of face lifts and brow lifts, but the neck can show age too. That is why some people are now opting for liposuction to slow the aging process on their lower face.

Liposuction is a procedure where fat is removed from under the chin and in the neck, in order to reduce the size of this area. This procedure can help those who suffer from the effects of aging or obesity, as it adds definition to the face and chin. Liposuction can be performed through a small cut in the inside of your mouth, so there is no scarring or through a small cut externally. The basic idea, however, is to get in there and remove the pockets of fatty material that no amount of exercise will ever touch. A defined chin goes a long way to making a person look younger than they really are.

To see if you are a candidate for chin liposuction, you will want to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon. He or she will take a look at your face and see if you will benefit from this type of neck lift surgery, and will assess you to see if you are in the proper health for any surgical procedure. Since this surgery does require invasive procedure, you will be under anesthesia for the submental liposuction.

There are risks with this type of liposuction, just as there are risks with any surgery procedure. Swelling, bruising and infection in the incision site are just a few of the side effects that can happen while having submental liposuction performed on your body. After effects can include a lumpy appearance and other unwanted effects, so be sure to find a certified plastic surgeon to perform your surgery.

The cost for this liposuction procedure varies, depending on the area needing to be treated and many other factors, but it is generally in the range of $1500-$3800. Question your surgeon thoroughly about costs and other items regarding your surgery before having it performed. It is not covered by health insurance, as it is a cosmetic procedure.

With all the different types of surgery available to make you look younger (or even just slimmer) facially, it may seem hard to choose which procedure is right for you. Talk to a board certified plastic surgeon about your individual case, and find out if liposuction is the right course of action for your facial surgery needs.

Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgeons.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Microdermabrasion Alternative to Facelifts

Microdermabrasion as an Alternative to Facelifts by Charles Kassotis

If you are looking for a way to get a sort of "facelift," without having to deal with the inconveniences and invasiveness of things like plastic/cosmetic surgery, Botox injections, and chemical peels, microdermabrasion may be the thing for you. This is a treatment that many in Hollywood have been using for quite sometime, but that recently began making a move into mainstream. You can get a microdermabrasion treatment in a variety of places: the spa, your dermatologist, and even in your own bathroom. Different tools and products are used to get rid of the uppermost layer of your skin and expose the newer skin beneath.

For the most part, microdermabrasion works with the help of tiny, rough grains. Some of these are crystals (which are often used in spa and dermatologist treatments) and some of them are miniscule grains that look a lot like sand (usually in facial scrubs you use at home). No matter which method is used, however, you will find that microdermabrasion works the same way, no matter where you have it done.

Your skin actually exists in many layers. The top layers are called the epidermis, and the lower layers are known as the dermis. However, the outer part of the epidermis has its own name: the stratum corneum. This layer acts to protect all of the layers of skin below from the ravages practiced by the world. Pollution, chemicals, and make-up can all affect the skin and how it looks. Eventually the stratum corneum looks rough, dull, and old. However, simply face washing is not enough to slough off this layer of skin. Something more vigorous is need to get the skin off. This is where microdermabrasion comes in. All of that dead, unattractive skin is removed with the help of these tiny particles.

When the dead skin is removed, the entire layer, a new layer is revealed beneath. This new layer is healthy, young, and bright. The dullness gives way. Additionally, this outer layer of skin is often the one on which blemishes appear. Wrinkles and age spots make their homes in the stratum corneum. When this layer sloughs off, the appearance of such blemishes is reduced. This can help you look longer, and help your face look smoother.

Additionally, this process of microdermabrasion can be used on other places on the body. Your hands, feet, chest, and neck can all benefit from this technique. Instead of rough, cracked hands, you can reduce the look by getting rid of the top layer of skin. However, it is important to use moisturizer after this sort of microdermabrasion treatment. This way you can replenish the lost water. This is especially important when you have used microdermabrasion on the face. You can look years younger and and healthier when you take advantage of this non-invasive way to improve the quality and look of your skin. Whether you go to a professional to receive treatment, or whether you take care of it yourself in the bathroom, microdermabrasion can help you look and feel years younger.
About the Author
To learn more about microdermabrasion, and many other skin care and moisturizing products visit The Skin Moisturizing

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Facial Modifications with Collagen

Facial Modifications with Collagen by Ricardo de Silva

There are many different procedures that plastic surgeons can use to restore and rejuvenate the human face. Facelifts, Botox, brow lifts and many other procedures can all be used to create a more youthful and smooth appearance. Of this group, collagen is undisputedly one of the more popular options for enhancing facial areas.

Collagen is a natural substance produced in the human body that helps to form connective tissue. It also provides hydration and strength for the skin. Collagen is made in less quantity as we age. This reduction results in skin losing its elasticity, softness and tightness. Typical effects include sagging skin, wrinkles on flat plains of the face, as well as deep creases on the forehead and the neck. Both collagen and fat harvested from your own body can be used to plump up these areas that are sagging and creased. Collagen can also be used to plump up thin lips, a personal favorite of many celebrities as you no doubt have noticed!

Collagen is made using collagen harvested from animals, so there is a slight chance that your body may react to it. Also, collagen enhancements are not permanent. You will need to have repeat injections later on to maintain the look that you want. Besides collagen, other materials such as Alloderm and Goretex can be used to create the desired look without any cutting or major surgery. Recovery time is slight and the procedure is much less expensive than traditional surgery. No general anesthesia or operating room is involved. In fact, you can be in and out of most procedures in under an hour.

Side effects from collagen enhancements are rare, but there is always a chance they can occur. Side effects include bruising, swelling and allergic reactions. Some people also have allergic reactions to the local anesthetic used to numb the site. As the materials used are foreign to your body, you should discuss any medications you are taking and things you are allergic to with your plastic surgeon. To avoid reactions, of course, you can always choose to have the material drawn from your own body. Hips and buttocks are the most typical harvesting areas.

With collagen, there is a temptation to shop by price. Don't! We are talking about modifications to your face. It is strongly suggested that you use a board certified plastic surgeon that can show you before and after pictures of his or her previous patients. This will allow you to understand the possible results and get the best care.

About the Author
Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgeons.