Monday, July 16, 2007

Surgical And Non Surgical Facelift

The mentality has changed and people now think that a facelift is not just for the rich and famous. Today facelifts are one of the most well-accepted and most frequently performed cosmetic procedures in the world and with this surgical operation one lifts up the facial tissues and skin and/or the underlying muscle, in order to have a tighter and smoother face. A facelift can really reduce saggy skin and wrinkles and produce a more alert and youthful appearance. Several factors contribute to the final result of the facelift and they are the reason every facelift is different.

If your skin is still elastic and tight, but you are concerned with sagging or excess fat in you face or under the chin, facial liposuction can be very good option. The skin is then lifted outward and the underlying tissues and muscles are tightened and fixed. Sagging skin is simply the effect of gravity over time and seems to affect the face more noticeably as it cannot be concealed by makeup. With an incision behind the hairline running over the top of the head, the skin is gently pulled upwards, the eyebrows along with it, and set into a new position. And at the same time, excess fat and skin can be removed.

When it comes to cosmetic surgery we realize that it is a big decision and it can have a big impact on a person's life. There are a number of preparations to be made and don't forget to have a picture taken before the operation so that the results of surgery can be compared with your new appearance. The facial rejuvenation surgery has a goal and that is to restore both men and women with a more youthful contour to your face and neck.

A facelift operation starts with a local anesthesia, or a general anesthesia. Incision often starts from the ear to behind the ear and ends near the hairline behind the ear. After the incision, undermining is done and that is separating the facial skin from the underlying tissue below the neck, chin and cheeks using scalpel and scissors. Then the facial suspension system are tightened with stitches and the skin is pulled backwards and upwards to the required extent. The skin is then tightened with stitches and the underlying excess tissue may or may not be removed. Excess skin is removed and the incisions are closed with sutures.

As opposed to conventional facelifts, which can result into undesirable scars and a plastic look, the weekend facelift leads to a natural, rejuvenated appearance without any visible scars or the look of major surgery. This means the procedure can be kept totally private if desired and the weekend facelift is usually performed on an outpatient basis, with the surgery lasting one hour or less.

Also, one of the best features of this procedure is that it will allow you to return to work the same day you receive treatment. The main goal of a facelift procedure is to give you a fresher and younger look, preserving her/his natural characteristics, unless the patient has some reasons to change the natural look too.

About the Author
Louise Wasa always writes about valuable news. A related resource is Natural Facelift. Further information can be found at Tips & News.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Plastic Surgery Options After Pregnancy

of a new mother. Unlike decades ago, when women just had to deal with post-partum figure changes, today there are several options in cosmetic surgery to help you get back (or even improve) your pre-pregnancy body. Fortunately, for today's busy new mother, many plastic surgery procedures can be done on an outpatient basis, which means you are back at home with your newborn that same day.

Many new mothers worry that breastfeeding may alter the shape of their breasts. Actually, breast changes occur during pregnancy in preparation of nurturing your child. Milk glands in the breasts swell and replace fatty tissue, and after childbirth, the milk glands shrink causing the breasts to sag. Plastic surgery offers natural-looking implants that give your breasts a youthful contour, and breast augmentation can be done on an outpatient basis with local or general anesthesia; stitches are typically removed in about one week.

An outpatient breast lift (mastopexy) can remove excess skin and reduce sagging. Using local or general anesthesia, your surgeon tightens the skin on the lower half of the breasts, which lifts and firm them.

Stretch marks and C-section scars usually linger long after childbirth, so stomach tightening procedures may be what you are looking for to remove the excess skin below your navel. The stomach tightening procedure that may require you to be admitted to the hospital for a day or two is commonly called a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). If there is only a small amount of excess skin to tighten, you may be a candidate for a mini-lipectomy, which is a less extensive procedure often done under local anesthesia.

Liposuction is the most commonly-requested cosmetic surgery procedure after pregnancy. Many new mothers complain that they just cannot lose the fat in areas such as the thighs, buttocks, and upper arms. Your plastic surgeon can remove fat deposits that contribute to the flabbiness in those troublesome areas.

Labioplasty is sometimes sought after childbirth to enhance the appearance of post-delivery genitalia. Many women feel self-conscious after childbirth because the shape and appearance of the labia is altered.

There are many options available now to new mothers who want to regain or even improve their pre-pregnancy figure. Your plastic surgeon will discuss these options with you, and together you can decide which options are best for you.

About the Author
If you live in the Dallas - Fort Worth area and would like to learn about all the cosmetic surgery procedures available today to help new mothers get back (or improve upon!) their pre-pregnancy bodies, please contact Dallas cosmetic surgeon Dr. Vasdev Rai and his staff today.